Thursday, October 05, 2006

Main Street/Truman Street Intersection

I just got a call from a resident asking about whether the incomplete corner at the Truman Street/Main Street intersection would be complete in time for International Walk to School Day tomorrow, Friday October 6th 2006. The MSP was aware of the aforementioned incomplete section when it decided to make the announcement about International Walk to School Day. The MSP was also aware of the inherent irony presented by this section of sidewalk.

Since the street corners around Main Street have to be made to a grade and level that can accomodate wheelchairs (as well as be marked with paint), they are usually left for last during sidewalk projects like the MSP. This allows the contractors the time to apply the detail work needed for these sections.

MSP members and Village residents have noticed people using the sidewalks along East Main Street even though the Truman Street corner is not complete. The MSP is right now pressuring contractor teams to place a stainless steel plate across that section in order to facilitate crossing tomorrow and until that section is poured.


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