That's "Main Street Project Frequently Asked Questions" for anyone wondering what that string of acronyms above means. Here are all the questions and answers that appeared on our FAQ sheet hitting Main Street today. Please note, that this is not an exact reproduction of the FAQ sheet as it appears in print form, but does contain the exact same text. Enjoy!
1) Will the trees removed from Main Street be replanted?
Yes! All the trees removed from Main Street as a part of construction will be replanted with new well-established street trees. The new species include Japanese Elms, Black Gums, Crabapples, and Hedge Maples to name a few.
2) How far are the sidewalks going during this phase of the project?
New/refurbished sidewalk will run from the Post Office all the way to the Fairgrounds on the south side of Main St and from Ron Don’s to the Masonic Temple on the north side of Main St.
3) What will happen to the section of Old Main Street between the traffic island and Ron Don’s?
It will remain open to traffic requiring a slight right turn to enter
4) Where are the bricks going to be placed?
Both engraved and blank bricks will be installed in arch-shaped patches within the new concrete sidewalks. Brick patches will be inserted in various locations from Farrell’s Car Wash to the Masonic Temple.
5) Where will the streetlights go?
The bases and wiring for 42 streetlights are going in as a part of this phase of construction. The streetlight bases are concentrated within the Village downtown, running from the Post Office to the library. Additional fundraising will be required to purchase and install the lights.
6) What is happening by the bank?
Work in front of the bank involves moving the Union Street stop sign closer to Main Street for higher visibility and moving the curb locations further out into the street to improve pedestrian access and create a tree-lined community plaza with benches.
7) What is happening to parking along Main Street?
When completed, our downtown will have lost very few parking spaces with the biggest change involving removing the three parking spaces on the island by Ron Don’s.
8) When will construction end?
Current plans require Economy Paving to finish all major construction by October 31st 2006. Some tree planting and landscaping will remain to be completed in the Spring of 2007.