Friday, May 19, 2006

New Project Coordinator

Another new role in the MSP is the Project Coordinator position. The Project Coordinator acts as a liason between the village government/MSP and the construction crews. The coordinator would use a combination of both communicative abilities and experience in the construction world to best fill this role. Originnaly, Gerry Welliver was hired to act as our Project Coordinator, but due to a sudden illness, cannot act in the position. The MSP quickly moved to find a replacement and is proud to announce Ward Hungerford as our new Project Coordinator. As construction starts, look to see more and more of him on Main Street.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Numbers Almost Here

I want to clarify the nature of the bid numbers I included in the previous post. The post was just supposed to display the numbers for the village public and not indicate any final decisions. While all indicators point to Economy Paving as our bid of choice, the Village Board has yet to award any funds. Final numbers are expected to start coming in this coming week (May 15th) and all come to a numeric crescendo at the next Village Board meeting (May 18th). After that the final numbers will be found on both this blog and the website. Keeping to the blog-website dynamic, the numbers page on the MSP website will be considered final and the blog's number information only informative. Not that there should be any difference in the numbers, but that is how the blog and the website get along. While it seems that most of the MSP web activity centers around the blog that is only because of our situation. Every day the MSP gets more and more news and updates that must be verified. We do not want to give out misinformation or broken promises! Right now, the blog is reaching its full potential by giving an immediate web presence to all these updates. Once we get a final decision on the numbers and the construction dates, the website will act as the main repository for this information. In any case both the blog and website will become very busy once construction starts!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bid Opening Meeting

Ten minutes before the start of the 3:00pm bid opening, the familiar faces of village residents and MSP volunteers awaited the arrival of new face.s These new faces would be contractor representatives carrying clipboards, building plans, and Main Street's future. At just a little past 3:00pm, Mayor John Levine opened three sealed bids and read aloud each report's estimated cost. The first bid came from a Binghmanton based company called company called R. DeVincentis. Their numbers came as follows:

R. DeVincentis
Base Bid: $1,425,000
Add Alternate 1: $180,000
Add Alternate 2: $53,000
Add Alternate 3: $25,000
Add Alternate 4: $62,000

The second bid came in from another Binghamnton based contractor, R. DeVincentis. Here are the numbers for D. DeVincentis

D. DeVincentis
Base Bid: $1,288,000
Add Alternate 1: $145,677
Add Alternate 2: $53,608
Add Alternate 3: $22,384.50
Add Alternate 4: $56,933.20

The final bid came the Cortland based Economy Paving. Here are their numbers.

Economy Paving
Base Bid: $1,224,703.05
Add Alternate 1: $145,677
Add Alternate 2: $53,608
Add Alternate 3: $22,384.50
Add Alternate 4: $56,933.20

After each of the bid was read and recorded, Steve George, the representative for C & S engineers, took the reports for confirmation. After his firm makes a decision then the reports must be submitted to the Department of Transportation for final approval. This is all to make sure that contractors are not inflating their estimated amounts or are trying something, in the sense of construction, unsound or risky. We hope to have Steve and the engineer's recomendation by early to mid next week (May 8-10th). Look for a Free-Press article on the meeting next week and for a polished update on the website as well.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Website Update

I understand that arrival to the MSP means future hope for the MSP website, which is in bad need of an update. I met today with Mayor Levine and got the existing website files along with some of the website logisitics. I hope to tinker around with the website this week and have an update by the end of this week or beginning of the next one. If you see any drastic changes to the website please understand those should only be temporary till I get the polished site up. Thanks.


Get on Board

This Wednesday (April 3rd, 2006) marks the deadline for all contractor bids to be in! By 3pm Wednesday, the mayor should be opening up all the sealed bids and meeting with village officials to decide the MSP contractor.
As construction is almost upon us, the MSP is looking for contact information for any of those individuals, home owner, and business owners that have a direct stake in the contstuction. While all of Trumansburg has a stake in the construction, I mean those entities that are right on Main St. The MSP plans to create an e-mail listserve for all those folks interested in having a daily/near-daily e-mail about construction on Main St. While construction could be affected by countless variables, the contractors are required to provide a schedule. Once we have that schedule it will be made public though communication vectors like this blog, the website, e-mails, meetings, and fliers. If construction does deviate from that schedule then those on the listserve will get the information. If you are interested in getting on that listserve then e-mail me at and let me know your contact information. Anyone is free to join.
