Monday, May 01, 2006

Get on Board

This Wednesday (April 3rd, 2006) marks the deadline for all contractor bids to be in! By 3pm Wednesday, the mayor should be opening up all the sealed bids and meeting with village officials to decide the MSP contractor.
As construction is almost upon us, the MSP is looking for contact information for any of those individuals, home owner, and business owners that have a direct stake in the contstuction. While all of Trumansburg has a stake in the construction, I mean those entities that are right on Main St. The MSP plans to create an e-mail listserve for all those folks interested in having a daily/near-daily e-mail about construction on Main St. While construction could be affected by countless variables, the contractors are required to provide a schedule. Once we have that schedule it will be made public though communication vectors like this blog, the website, e-mails, meetings, and fliers. If construction does deviate from that schedule then those on the listserve will get the information. If you are interested in getting on that listserve then e-mail me at and let me know your contact information. Anyone is free to join.



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