It seems like the MSP's Groundbreaking Ceremony scheduled for July 8th has some of the eager anticipation and waiting that so defined the overall MSP process. The project is now proud to offer all the final event details for the Trumansburg public.
While construction has already begun, the July 8th event will act as a powerful symbol of the huge community investment coming to Trumansburg this summer. While the digging we will do on July 8th will only be symbolic, it is quite a symbol!
The groundbreaking event will be an all day celebration. From 9am-5pm, interested people can sign up for the "Community Art Crawl" at the Village Office Porch. Registrants will receive sketch paper and drawing untensils courtesy of the MSP. After receiving their gear, registrants are encouraged to go out and draw pre-construction Main St. before Economy Paving really steps up and changes the look of Main St. "Art Crawlers" are encourages to go up and down Main St, checking out their favorite spots one last time and dreaming up how the new Main St. will look. The Chamber of Commerce has encouraged local businesses to offer special sales and mini-events that day as a way to show support. When done with their sketches, registrants must give back the sketches to the MSP as part of the event record. If the artists wish so, they can stipulate for their work to be put out on display later that day or to not have it displayed. It is up to them.
At 3:00pm, the formal groundbreaking ceremony will begin in front of the Tompkins Trust Comapny bank office downtown. The Village DPW will place pylons and barricades along the front of the bank to mimic the newly narrowed Main St. and the soon-to-be-built civic space. From 3:00pm to 4:00pm there will be live music (musicians still TBA). At 4:00pm, MSP volunteers along with representatives from Cayuga Creamery will hand out free ice cream! While the audience enjoys its ice cream, a brief speakers series will begin. The speakers scheduled to appear are:
Marty Luster (Former county-level representative for Trumansburg and a major financial supporter of the MSP during its early years)
Tracy Vanderzee (Representative of the Tompkins Trust Company Bank and the Trumansburg area Chamber of Commerce).
Greg Fehrman (Representative of C&S Engineers, the project's engineering firm/consultants)
Paula Horrigan (Community member and part of the MSP advisory committee).
After the speakers are done, the backhoe will start up and take the first ceremonial scoop out of the ground. Audience members can then join in so remember to bring a shovel or spade! Live music will continue until 5pm and the event close.
Hope to see lots of folks there for free ice cream, music, art, and success!